Monday, August 16, 2010

FC Goons: A True Sporting Club

The MKS Melbourne futsal tournament has, of course, many competing futsal/football clubs, however, none of those clubs are what one would call a true sporting club.  A sporting club, by definition, is one which participates in a number of sports. As all of the MKS Melbourne clubs so far are specialized in futsal or football, it would be a stretch to call any of them a true sporting club.  However, the one true sporting club making its debut in the Champions Cup 2010, and thus their first appearance in an MKS Melbourne futsal tournament, is FC Goons.

FC Goons began from a group of friends with common sporting interests, as many good clubs do.  The club participates in sports such as indoor cricket, basketball, and volleyball.  Given that they are all passionate football fans, it was only natural that they venture into competitive futsal.

FC Goons is made up of:

  • Phuong Phan (captain)
  • Kenny Ma (vice captain)
  • Quoc Le
  • John Truong
  • Phung Truong
  • Khoa Pham
  • Ben Pham
  • Ivan Curak
FC Goons captain, Phuong Phan, believes that the team works well because each player has different strengths and weaknesses, and this leads to a complementary and balanced side.  FC Goons is proud to be a futsal team and can boast on having made the finals in all but one of their seasons since they began competing a few years ago.

As they are a new team in the tournament, FC Goons is testing out the waters.  Their aim is to enjoy the tournament and to make it as far as they can.  With the champions and runners up of the Mauritian Futsal Cup 2010 confirming their attendance, FC Goons have their work cut out in front of them.  This may well be the tournament in which they make the finals and emerge victorious, marking a new era of futsal achievements for this true sporting club.

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