Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Docklands FC: Trial By Fire

Korean Internationals, Rio Yoon and Johnny, have departed from the Wolves a decided to form their own team, Docklands FC which is composed of:
  • Rio Yoon (captain)
  • Yang Liu (vice captain)
  • Johnny
  • Lemon
  • Tony
  • Gen
The team consists of players who all live in the Docklands and have been having practice football games every Sunday.  Being a regular member of Sport Du Samedi, the friendly futsal get together on Saturdays, and having participated with the Wolves in the Mauritian Futsal Cup (MFC) 2010, Rio Yoon  decided that it was high time to put his Sunday practice team to the test.

Docklands FC is happy to join their first tournament as a team and their main aim is to determine what level of futsal they can play.  With hard-hitting teams such as defending champions The Replacements, MFC 2010 runners-up Club Maurice, and second-placed Nioukyen FC, along with a gamut of new teams already registered in the Champions Cup 2010, this tournament will definitely be a trial by fire for Docklands FC.  However, with Rio Yoon being no stranger to the MKS Melbourne futsal tournaments, he may well be able to lead this team of unknowns to success in the Champions Cup 2010.

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