Monday, August 23, 2010

Deux Lagrain Gauche: A Ragtag Team

Newcomers to the MKS Melbourne futsal tournaments, Deux Lagrain Gauche (DLG), has a fun and carefree attitude towards their place in the competition.  Their team name is proof of that!  The team consists of:

  • Anthony Koon (captain)
  • Kenrick Chan (vice captain)
  • Jason Chien
  • Alex Chong
  • Kelvin Chan
  • Julien Bebe
  • Harold Sing
According to captain, Anthony Koon, the team saw the light of day as he and vice captain, Kenrick Chan, decided to bring together two teams made up of an assortment of housemates, uni acquaintances, wingmen, and smoking buddies.  Amongst the randomness of this team, their one commonality is their love of futsal and soccer.

Their seems to be a gamut of skills in the team team.  Anthony Koon and Alex Chong have participated in the Champions Cup in the now defunct Tombeau Bay FC.  Both Anthony Koon and Alex Chong, together with Kelvin Chan, have also played in the outdoor team, L'Equipe du Dimanche, captained by Alex Chong and now also defunct.

The DLG captain describes his vice captain as a striker with two left feet who kicked his first ball at the age of 18.  Jason Chien, he describes as the honkie Lionel Messi, and Alex Chong is described as the "V line" who promises to shout the team dinner if he is able to score.  Kelvin Chan is described as the team's resident Roy Keane and Julien Bebe is likened to Manchester United's newest signing of the same name.  The captain describes himself as a goalie with two left hands from North Korea.

Amonst the multitude of truths, half-truths, and outright lies in his media communication (most likely to confusion opposing teams), the captain is quick to point out in his cavalier attitude that DLG has no achievements to date, but warns other teams to remember their name as it will be soon on the top of every list.

DLG expects to be the underdogs of the tournament as a new team.  They have no rivals in the competition but boast that other teams will surely consider them as rivals after the tournament.  With three of the top four teams of the Mauritian Futsal Cup 2010 signing up for the Champions Cup 2010, DLG will definitely be at the top of their game to deliver on their promise!

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