Thursday, June 24, 2010

No Comments: Short Notice

New entrants to the Mauritian Futsal Cup (MFC), Short Notice is composed of:
  • Charles Li (captain)
  • Christopher Lim (vice captain)
  • Jo Leopold
  • Johnny Bucedi
  • Michael Ng
  • Brian Koo
  • Mark Skec
The team seemed to also be short on comments as they did not provide any whatsoever to the tournament organizers. The team name conjures up an impression of a team that is ready to compete at any given time. Captain Charles Li is an ex-L'Equipe du Dimanche player and Brian Koo an ex-Club Maurice player. With players as these, this team may well be ready to challenge any team in the tournament as a solid opposition.

Short Notice's quiet entrance into the tournament with no comments is reminiscent of Hockey Pitch FC (HPFC), a team that quietly entered the Champions Cup Spring 2009 Tournament, demolished many teams, and provided reigning champions, The Replacements, with their most competitive match in a glorious finals game that ended on penalty shootouts.

The MFC tournament will determine if Short Notice is truly reminiscent of Hockey Pitch FC. And if they are, surely they are hopeful that they can surpass HPFC and achieve something that HPFC has not been able to achieve: to be crowned as champions.

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