Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fog of War: Hockey Pitch FC and Pression FC

While all teams in the tournament have divulged information about themselves to be published, Hockey Pitch FC and Pression FC remain shrouded in mystery. Little is known about these two new teams and that may well be the way they want it.

Both teams have only submitted minimal information about themselves to the tournament organizers. Pression FC consists of the following players:
Hughes Wong (captain)
Oliver Lam
Gerome Cloridor
Gerald Cheung
Jason Ip
Mark Chung

Hockey Pitch FC is made up of the follow players:
Jeff Lai Sang (captain)
Keshav Dhayam

Jeff Lai Sang is a former Tombeau Bay FC (TBFC) player, and seemingly he has left TBFC to found his own team. Reportedly the parting with TBFC has been amicable.

It would appear that these two teams have purposely not revealed information to their opponents' disadvantage. With their unknown players, these two little-known teams are the wildcards of the tournament.

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