Friday, July 10, 2009

The Champions Cup Tournament is Officially on!

We now have enough teams registered and the tournament is officially going ahead! The six teams registered are:
  • The Replacements, captain: Jason Cheong
  • Sh*t Kickers, captain: Glen Sheo
  • Nothing To Lose, captain: Kenny "Cha Cha" How
  • Not Quite Right, captain: John Nguyen
  • Camion Lichien, captain: Gary Wong
  • Tombeau Bay FC, captain: Kenny Fong
Our aim is to have a fun, cost-effective, intense, and competitive tournament. As such, here are some general information about the tournament. Updates about the tournament will be posted on the tournament website and Facebook. So please check both regularly.

Tournament format
The tournament format will be as follows:
1. Qualifying round - a single round robin competition. Every team will play every other team. Each match will be 10 minutes in duration without any breaks (i.e. no half-time). The top four teams will then proceed to the elimination round.

2. Elimnation round - a knock-out competition. There will be two semi-finals in which the first ranked team (from the qualifying round) will play the fourth ranked team and the second ranked team will play the third ranked team. The two winners will then proceed to the finals.

Tournament rules
The rules will be made available here soon. In general, we will adhere FIFA rules. Please review the rules carefully, especially those related to tackling (we want the tournament to be as safe as possible) and penalties for being late to matches (we are very limited in terms of time and need everyone to be punctual).

In order to keep the cost of the tournament low, we have decided that every team will need to provide someone to referee some games. The referee can be one of the players and he will not referee any of his team's matches.

We may be able to accommodate one more team into the tournament. Thus, if you know of others who are interested, please let them know that they can contact us.
If you have any queries, please let us know.

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